Thanks for the comments
Hmmmmm sooooo many people to name on here,
The original WPC ,
Solo - Lets face it none of us would be here without him lol, awesome guy who used to be a very active force of the clan,
Tic, Oasky, Shad, ManuMan, main, Lord Borak (sp?), josh, Web, Silent, Buzz and a few others, man we kicked ass on AvP2/BF a lot of great pred players in there, and those where the ones that made me feel welcome into the clan when i first joined all those years ago without each and every one of you the clan would be so much different than it is today in fact it might not even be here,
Got to give a special mention to Hemi and Snooze they joined the clan when i tried to revive it on AvP2 when it shut down, we went through some big changes renaming the clan to Hell Demons (LOL) using militery ranks and so on, helped me build this clan into what it was before it was disbanded and kept it alive after i left
will add more later
I'll leave it up to you, to work out how much of that post was sarcassam